What is your heart's desire? Is it a big bowl of Purely Decadent Cherry Amaretto Coconut Milk Ice Cream? Or how about a cup of rich dark chocolate hot cocoa made with So Delicious Vanilla Coconut Milk Beverage? Want to keep those healthy intestinal flora in balance? Then maybe you're craving a tall glass of So Delicious Strawberry Coconut Milk Kefir? Or for the sheer joy of it, perhaps you're wishing you had a box of those delectable little So Delicious Coconut Milk Minis in the freezer. Well, now you can win all of the above, with FIVE, yes, count 'em, 5 free product coupons from Turtle Mountain that are good for any of their delicious frozen or refrigerated items.
The more friends you tell about this contest, the more chances you have to win!
First leave a comment here after you have either tweeted this contest or posted it to your Facebook Page. You can even post it on your own blog or website, but only leave me one comment saying which you did. Your comment could say, “Hey, I Tweeted, I posted to my Facebook page, AND I posted to my own website.” That’s fine. But please, only leave one comment here.
Now, here’s where the friend part comes in to play…
When you tweet or post to your Facebook page, blog, or website, make sure you tell your readers to MENTION YOU when they come here to enter the contest.
For example, you can post this, and ask your friends to do the same, when it's their turn to post:
“I just entered to win 5 FREE product coupons from Turtle Mountain, but I need YOUR help. Go to Hungry Vegan, comment to win, and mention that I sent you."
Or you can tweet this:
"Let's win some So Delicious & Purely Decadent #dairyfree! Go to http://bit.ly/aBU6iT to enter the #contest, say I sent you & we can BOTH WIN"
The idea is to get your friends over here and have them leave a comment that says that YOU sent them. Why? Because if their comment is randomly chosen as the winner, BOTH of you will win five free product coupons! That means you could have hundreds of chances to win!
So call your Aunt Shirley and tell her to enter. Email your high school friends from 1973. Tweet about this contest, and broadcast it to your friends on Facebook and Myspace. The more friends you bring to the party, the better your chances of winning some of the most delectable dairy-free goodies on Earth!
You may be wondering, what happens if the random winner comment is one of the comments that only says something like “I Tweeted..” – Still great news for you … YOU WIN and you get to choose a friend to give the other five coupons to!
Now, here's the biggest RULE of the game—you MUST either FOLLOW @SO_Delicious on Twitter OR be a FaceBook Fan. One or the other. I will be verifying this once the winners are randomly selected. If you follow @So_Delicious on Twitter and follow as a Facebook fan, you'll double your chances of winning!
Sorry Canadian friends, but this contest is only open to those with U.S. Postal addresses, as coupons are only good for products purchased within the United States.
So let the contest begin, and good luck!!!
Oh, and one more thing, please tell me WHO you are on twitter or FB. :)
Update: Okay, we're gonna wrap this up on Sunday, March 14th at 11:59 PM PST!
I tweeted this, and I really, really wanna win! Purely Decadent ice cream is soooo gooood! @vegangal
Done and done!
Posted on facebook. :)
I follow @So_delicious, I tweeted this and I heard about it from @vegangal (I'm @coconutblissed) Fingers crossed!
Hi there. I tweeted this (@autumn_olive). I am an FB fan but with a different user name.
I tweeted :-)
posted on my facebook page!! I love love love purely decadent!!!
I just posted this on my Facebook! YUMMY - I want to win!
oh and duh-- I've been a facebook fan for a while.
I tweeted this and I follow @So_Delicious on FB. I heard about this contest from @vegangal
(@ThePalmGarden on Twitter)
I posted on Facebook!
I tweeted and posted on facebook! :)
Sent her by my friend Julie Redl who posted on Facebook! She deserves to win :)
Published to my FB! Hope my friends will play too.- Heather Greywalker
I posted this to my Facebook page.
Tweeted and posted on Facebook and already a fan/follower on both!!!
My son and I LOVE this ice cream and the yogurt too. I am posting this to my facebook page
I just posted on FB http://www.facebook.com/raye.ann.pankratz?ref=profile
just tweeted! I love so delicous yogurts/kefirs (and everything else!) so much! (twitter name bazu)
oops, forgot to mention- heard from Vegiegail
I just discovered Purely Decadent and I'm a HUGE fan. After going Vegan at the beginning of the year I thought my days of creamy, delicious frozen desserts were things of the past - but now I have three pints of these stuff in my freezer! Even my carnivorous family thinks it tastes better than ice cream. So I was already following, but now I tweeted as well for all my other followers, several of whom are following my new Vegan examples. Thanks!! (@Geevie)
I posted this to my Facebook page! I'd surely love to win some Turtle Mountain coconut deliciousness!
(Barbara Reitman on FB)
I posted it to my Facebook page.
I tweeted about this (great contest btw). If I win I'll throw a vegan sundae party! (I'm @thevegster on Twitter)
I'm a fan and juliemama (Julie Redl) sent me. Posting now.
Just tweeted this (@yellowdresses) and I lovelovelove all the So Delicious products, particularly the coconut milk ice creams. :] And I heard about it from @bazu.
Yum! I tweeted and invited people to RT, visit this page, and give me credit! on twitter, I'm @DEalfinderJBF
I follow @So_Delicious: http://bit.ly/dtggFe
I'm a fan on Facebook: James Jennings http://bit.ly/8ZxPRs
And tweeted this: @JamesIsDreaming http://bit.ly/bQbxHE
just tweeted (@vintageveg).. came thanks to @vegangal... following on facebook STAT
Well I dont tweet or do the FB thing...Just wanted to say the photograph looks colorful & yummy!! ;-) Good luck to all!
Our family loves So Delicious! Juliemama sent me. :-)
Hey there, I tweeted via @beanmail and OF COURSE I follow So Delicious on Twitter :-)
Shared on facebook! Better than ice cream: tastes better, less sugar, no animal fats, no dairy! The vanilla flavor has blown me away!
I tweeted and posted on FB. I'm gloriajn on Twitter and Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti on Facebook.
I posted this on my facebook page and I'm a fan :) - Sophie Egler
I shared this on Facebook
: http://bit.ly/bMfd1M (Rose
Jennings) And @JamesIsDreaming on Twitter sent me!
I tweeted it! @stmml02
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/cygirl88/status/10235109028
I posted to my Facebook page! Please pick me to win!!
I posted on FB and I am a huge fan! I don't know what I would ever do without our So Delicious Coconut Milk. Our family of 5 uses it daily!
Tweeted this @moll1979
i tweeted this and never had the cash to afford this icecream but always want to try it :)
I tweeted this and I follow @so_delicious on twitter. (@tanyatheviolist)
I tweeted!! nhmommy
I follow so delicious on twitter and facebook.
I posted to facebook. I LOVE purely decadent ice cream and would be so excited if I won! I've been a fan of their facebook page for awhile now.
YUM! Pick me! I just tweeted this. (@GFGabriella) @vegangal sent me.
I'm a Facebook fan, already follow @So_Delicious on Twitter and I tweeted @Aungkhutchaas.
I tweeted this: http://twitter.com/eheinlen/statuses/10244212262
treerose AT yahoo DOT com
I tweeted @liandxp:
And posted on Facebook (liandxp):
SO love Purely Decadent...and Thanks Carly for sending me here...maybe we can BOTH win something?
Now for posting THIS to FB and dessert domination (okay a little carried away)
I posted on FB. I love these sweets!
Carly Johnson sent me.
I am Sarah Richards' friend from Facebook.
The picture your posted is amazing!
i follow on twitter and retweeted @creep4ward
I follow on Twitter (@HotNanza) and I Tweeted the contest.
Posted on twitter and FB. @SLSandi
I follow @so_delicious, I tweeted & posted on FB, and I'm @clarbar ! I seriously need some ice cream in my freezer!
I posted this on my FB (Gwen West) status and became a fan. Plus, my friend Sandi Bruegger sent me, and she rocks!
My tweet
I tweeted .. I'm loving the choc. chip cookie dough! http://twitter.com/blackcatkitchen/statuses/10255850927
My husband and I just love Purely Decadent. We actually got my dad to try some and he really enjoyed it too.
I tweeted @hillgirly
Claire Gilder sent me here. I want to help her win.
FB fan and twitter follower. Tweeted:
m8usi at yahoo dot com
I tweeted. @clarbar sent me & now I follow you on twitter and am a facebook fan. I'm @allietx
Posted on FB (http://www.facebook.com/USDreamer). We loooove coconut milk.
Carly Johnson sent me, btw.
I am a facebook fan, Carolyn Hughes Shepherd
We just had the chocolate Purely Decadent for my twins bday last night and WOW!!!! it is THAT GOOD, the whole pint was gobbled up. First frozen desert they have had since going GFCF a year ago and they loved it, so did the rest of the fam.
I tweeted about the giveaway @Ebee333.
tweeted :) I'm kuntrageous on twitter
I posted on FB. My friend Claire Gilder told me about this. I "heart" Purely Decadent.
Re tweeted for the win! Yeahhhh
Julie Redl (juliemama) sent me. I can taste the Peanut Butter Zig Zag now. Mmmm.
I tweeted @wackypig ! =D
I am a Facebook fan! Done!
I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely MELTED when I tried those Sweet and Sara marshmallows... WOW they were SO good. WAY BETTER than regular marshmallows... I didn't care that much for non-vegan mallows in the first place, but I think now I'm hooked on vegan ones!
Thanks so much!!!!
You're welcome! I'm so glad you are enjoying them!
Tanya the Violinist sent me and I tweeted @singerinkitchen http://twitter.com/singerinkitchen/status/10290378639
I follow both of them on Fcebook and Twitter @ singerinktichen and Noelle Ferrada Kelly on Facebook! Thanks!
I tweeted this (@purrversia) and re-tweeted this. :)
Posted on facebook and twitter!! fb Vedge Clothing, twitter @vedgeclothing
I was sent by @AustenFanatic & @GFGabriella! I love your product and I hope we ALL win!
I posted this on Facebook, where I am Liam R Casey. I was sent here by Claire Rawlings Gilder (@clarbar).
I tweeted and FB posted this link. Looks totally tasty. A friend has been raving about it. scsigrl
Following and hoping to win! @artkits4kids
I tweeted this!
I tweeted (EvanFMFF) and follow them on twitter
I emailed a friend
I'm a fan on facebook.
And I'm posting on my blog(Food Makes Fun Fuel)
@So_Delicious sent me. I'm following them :)
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/xriyah/statuses/10342329602
I tweeted this, I'm @Anglophilelibr
Tweeted on Twitter and will be hot linking you tonight when I post on my site! www.girlgonehealthy.com
I tweeted about the contest!!! I really want to try this ice cream, I've never had Vegan ice cream before!!!
Following: @handbag_luver
love this stuff! just discovered it a few weeks ago and I'm in love. Evan from Food Makes Fun Fuel shared this with me :)
I tweeted it to my followers and I'll put it up on my next blog post! I'm @MeredithSED and @EvanFMFF sent me!
I'm following @So_Delicious on Twitter and on Facebook. I tweeted about your contest from @RawJuiceGirl: http://twitter.com/RawJuiceGirl/status/10347117826
And I'm here because I read about this contest on Evan's blog, Food Makes Fun Fuel: http://foodmakesfunfuel.com/2010/03/11/keeps-gettin-better/
Thanks so much for this contest - I've never tried these products!
Food makes Fun Fuel sent me and I am a facebook fan.
I tweeted about the contest (www.twitter.com/thevegankitchen) and http://twitter.com/laviyah sent me!
I tweeted about this and found out from Liam R. Casey on facebook! I'm @clarbar on twitter.
I tweeted @writer_fmqa, posted at http://www.facebook.com/writer.fmqa, at http://www.myspace.com/writer_fmqa, and my site http://www.mayvs-musings.net!
I so love So Delicious and Purely Decadent!
Posting to facebook! Love this ice cream :)
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/the_vegster/status/10387118269
I was sent here by Evan @ Foods Makes Fun Fuel
I'm following So Delicious on facebook
Following them on twitter too @the_vegster
I follow Turtle Mountain on Facebook! I love all their products!
i tweeted
retweeted from So Delicious...This would be great at my 52 birthday
I tweeted! Thanks so much for having your contest!
Oh boy! I hope I win this time. I always enter and haven't won yet. Welp, I tweeted the thing. Now I'll just sit back and wait. While I'm waiting, I'll go grab my pint of Snickerdoodle from the freezer =^)
Tweeted! Thanks!
tweeted contest :)
and I follow @So_Delicious on twitter
I tweeted this and recommended to my friends! Love all things So Delicious :)
Forgot to add my twitter name: @melissagerman
I tweeted and facebooked this! So excited because I love Peanut Butter Zig Zag!
Heard about contest from @veggiegail via Twitter
Follow So delicious on Twitter @wildorchids09 and tweeted http://twitter.com/WildOrchids09/status/10481479532
I tweeted and retweeted this. :) @gloriajn
Thrift and Riches
I tweeted this and I follow
@so_delicious on twitter. (@lazylori)
I tweeted this and followed via twitter! :)
Hi I follow So Delicious on Twitter and I tweeted your contest to win! @paradiselost311
just tweeted about the contest - sooo easy to be vegan now that we have purely decadent :) @rsmith9h
wow, cool! I don't tweet... so I guess I can't enter this one - BUT I'm so stoked to have stumbled across your awesome blog! How have we been co-habitating the vegan blogosphere and i haven't been reading your blog!? :)
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