Monday, March 22, 2010

Happiness in a Bottle!

I've tasted lots of bottled coconut water sold under many different brand names. The reason I haven't written about them before is because I couldn't get excited about any of them. For some unknown reason, none tasted like coconut water from a coconut, and they all seemed a bit sour to me. But during my recent visit to Grass Valley and Nevada City, I discovered Taste Nirvana Real Coconut Water. I was very thirsty, so I bought a bottle. OMG! My tongue was met with sweet, sweet coconut water—as if I'd just cracked open a fresh young coconut!

I have no idea why this coconut water tastes so much better than others I've tried. Maybe it's because it's bottled in Thailand, while others are bottled in Brazil. I had to read the ingredients twice to make sure they hadn't added any sugar! Sure enough it read: "Natural Coconut Water" and nothing else.

I read somewhere in the company's marketing materials that Real Coconut Water is like a $2 plane ticket to Thailand. Well, I've always wanted to go to Thailand. So hold on a sec while I take a sip, close my eyes, and imagine I'm on a beach on Phuket Island ... Okay, slather me with coconut oil, I'm there!

It's comforting to know that you can still find truth in advertising. The cap says, "Happiness in a Bottle." It must be true. You should see the smile on my face right now.


cara said...

Yeah, I've been kind of disappointed with the bottled coconut water I've tried, too. It's great to know there's one that's actually good. Thanks for the heads up. I'll be looking for this!

Gabriella said...

Sounds delicious!

Anonymous said...

I love the one with the coconut pulp in it! These ARE reallllly gooood!

JustineThyme said...

OMG—I gotta find this stuff!

Helen said...

I never thought I could get so excited about water! I can't wait to try this. Now if I can only find some!

Pamela said...

Well it's about time a company finally did it right! Thanks for letting us know.

Mike said...

This is great news! I've been disappointed in the other bottled coconut waters, too.

Jenni (aka Vegyogini) said...

I agree; the coconut water sold in tetra packs never tastes as good as the stuff directly from the fresh young coconut!

Sunny said...

On your recommendation, I found some at @WholeFoods and tried it. It really IS delicious! Thanks so much for letting us know.

Janice said...

Sounds incredible! Do you have the UPC code so I could bring it to the store?

Vegiegail said...

Hi Janice! The UPC codes are as follows:

Coconut Water: 011259806862
Coconut Water with Pulp: 011259806886
Coco Aloe: 011259801133

The Vegan said...

It sounds great. I'll have to try and find it at one of my local stores. Thanks!!!

jlpnirvana said...

Look for this throughout The Big Apple!!! This stuff is the best!!!

Leigh said...

we are totally addicted to this stuff. yummmmm!