Tuesday, March 02, 2010

A Contest! How Would You Like to Win Some Sweet Little Vegan Pillows from Heaven?

Back in 2004, I reviewed my two favorite vegan marshmallows made by Vegan Supremes and Tiny Trapeze. They were very, very good! But by early 2006, they were nowhere to be found. The reason: It turned out that the vegan gelatin manufactured by Emes Kosher Foods, which both companies used to make their delicious treats, was suspected of not being vegan. According to several sources, the gelatin tested positive for the presence of animal protein, and it looked as though Emes Kosher-Jel was not so kosher (or vegan) after all. (You can read the whole distasteful story here.) Without a suitable replacement for this vital ingredient, both companies stopped making vegan marshmallows, and vegans went back to doing without. And sadly, this put Vegan Supremes (a woman-owned vegan company), out of business. It looks as though Tiny Trapeze is gone, although I'm not sure their departure is at all related to the vegan gelatin fiasco.

But then a very industrious and creative vegan baker named Sara Sohn spent over a year in her Long Island City (my hometown) kitchen, quietly developing a genuinely vegan gelatin that would enable her to create a soft, chewy, meltable vegan marshmallow. And what a success her effort was! Sweet and Sara Vegan Marshmallows are a delightful gourmet vegan treat that taste incredibly delicious. These heavenly little pillows come in some very luscious flavors: Vanilla, Toasted Coconut, Cinnamon Pecan, and Strawberry. They are packaged in 8.5 oz containers which hold about 16 large marshmallows (the perfect size for toasting!) Sara also makes the most incredible S'mores I've ever eaten> They're so rich, I can't possibly eat a whole one in one sitting, which means that I get to have my S'more and eat it, too!

More recently, Sweet and Sara introduced Mini Marshmallows that are the perfect size for hot cocoa (and for satisfying any marshmallow cravings in fewer-calorie bites!) Sara sent me a few packages to try, and I have to say they are every bit as soft and sweet as the full-size marshmallows, and far better tasting than any other vegan marshmallows I've tasted.

So how would you like to win your own bag of vegan mini marshmallows? I've got three bags, and I'm sharing them with my readers. (One for me and one each for two of you!) To enter to win, simply visit the Sweet and Sara website and then come back here and leave a comment telling me about any of their products you've tasted, or which of their goodies sound most exciting to you. I'll pick 2 winners at random, so please make sure I can contact you by email.

I made my hot cocoa with So Delicious Vanilla Coconut Milk Beverage and Stevita Delight Chocolate Powder. It's very chocolatey, rich, and delicious! Oh, and did I mention the cute little Sweet and Sara vegan Peeps you can buy just in time for Easter? Go check them out!


Anonymous said...

I definitely want to try those mini marshmallows while it's still cold enough to enjoy hot cocoa. And those S'mores sound incredible. Pick me, please!!!

Felix said...

Heck yeah! I haven't had marshmallows since going vegan. I'd love to toast some of those big fat vanilla ones. That would bring back some awesome childhood memories.


Paul said...

I love the cinnamon pecan marshmallows!

Jenni (aka Vegyogini) said...

I'm such a huge fan of Sweet & Sara's marshmallows! My favorite variety is Toasted Coconut, but I have literally tried them all (even the Mexican Chocolate flavor that no longer exists) except for the minis. I hope to win so I can experience those, too! Thanks so much for the giveaway. :)

Allie said...

I've tried their peanut butter s'mores and they're regular vanilla marshmallows - so so so yummy. I'm still dying to try their pecan marshmallows and their coconut ones!


@busymomto5 said...

wow, everything looks so good! My husband is a new vegan and missing his marshmallows. I think he would like the vanilla or coconut covered ones best!

VeganMarr said...

Oh, man, some of their desserts used to be sold at a sadly short-lived (7 mos) cafe in West LA...I used to long for the SMORES & when I'd meet a friend over there for dinner, I'd START w/dessert & eat TWO smores!! LOL!! Yum!!!!!! :-)

Dawn D said...

I saw their products on te Food Network and was super excited! I have tried vegan marshmallows before and they weren't that great. I really want to get some of the Easter shaped ones, because it is nice to blend in at the holidays. That said,the rocky Road chocolate bark looks great.

Anonymous said...

We do, we do!! My 2 year old son loves marshmallows at his grandparents house, much to my dismay, and I would love to be able to switch them out with vegan marshmallows. I would also love to be able to roast marshmallows with my son and enjoy a cup of hot cocoa with minis as well. Who doesn't? It all looks incredible but I think the cinnamon sound amazing. Thank you for this opportunity. Sara cuteblondie99@hotmail.com

Dore Family said...

The Cinnamon Pecan and toasted coconut marshmallows look yummy! The Smores ..wow! my husband and L.O. would love that!! I hope I win the 2 bags of vegan marshmallows for my little family..yumm!

Becca said...

I think the toasted coconut ones look SO good. But, I've gotta say, mini ones are great for the sake of convenience and having a few here and there. :-)

Tanya said...

That Rocky Road Bark looks amazing! I used to love Rocky Road ice cream, so I do miss that mix. I also used to put mini marshmallows in hot chocolate, which I haven't done in ages....so these all sound great :)

Justine said...

The strawberry marshmallows sound divine, and the vegan Peeps are adorable. My kids would love them! I didn't know there were vegan marshmallows, let alone minis. Thanks for letting us know!

Megan Duffy said...

The peanut butter s'mores looks like my dream come true! Oh, thank you for guiding us to Sweet and Sara!

Unknown said...

I have two boy with severe food allergies, all my baking is wheat, gluten, dairy, egg, peanut and tree nut free. These would be prefect for a few of my treats that I already make... fudge with mini marshmallows, yum!!! I can't wait to try them (I bet my kids can't wait either). Thanks for the posting, it's always nice to hear from others that have already tried them.

rernest55 said...

Yum! I've been depressed about not having my beloved Peeps this year for Easter since I've become a vegan. But now I have found the solution....Easter Chick & Bunny Marshmallows! Horray!

paprikapapaya said...

Never tried the Sweet and Sara's marshies, would love to!


Unknown said...

Vanilla marshmallows? Yes! My son has been bugging me forever about marshmallows to go with our homemade hot cocoa. Now I can tell him he can have some and I'll be a hero(ine).

Helen said...

Oooh, I love a good contest! Those S'mores look and sound amazing! And I could definitely go for some vegan hot cocoa with mini marshmallows right about now!

Angel said...

I love Sweet and Sara toasted coconut marshmallows and Smores. The minis would be wonderful for hot cocoa! I'd love to win!

marilyn in VA said...

o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o. I'm dreamin' about those cinnamin pecan marshmallows and the rock road stuff, WOWEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Alan said...

I would like to put several on a skinny stick & toast em over a fire like I did when I was a kid! Whoa, that takes me back a ways, LOL!!! :-)
We toasted em over the stove burner!

kelly g. said...

Their S'Mores are delish. I like both the vanilla and PB varieties, but if pushed, I would pick the classic vanilla. Nom! Would also love to try the strawberry marshmallows, they weren't yet in stock the last time I placed an order!

(easyvegan -at- gmail.com)

Tweedle said...

I've never had the opportunity to try any of these products but the peanut butter smores certainly look delicious and the most intriguing to me :) and the mini mallows would be peeerfect for cocoa and homemade vegan smores!! I could find so many uses... rice krispy treats!

I hope you consider choosing me since I've never had the pleasure of even trying vegan marshmallows at all! :)


djbays said...

oh those smores! or the vanilla marshmallows dipped in chocolate, as anything chocolate and marshmallow is hard to resist...like teeny mallows in coco!

djbays at earthlink dot net

Unknown said...

ooh, those peanut butter smores look amazing! of course, so does just about everything else on there. :-)

~JEWEL~ said...

I am a new Vegan and thot it was going to be boring. Well the Peanut Butter Smores look fabulous and I see this isn't so hard after-all !

Rachel said...

I just made vegan Rice Krispie treats with the vanilla marshmallows. I never liked the Kraft ones-but these are awesome! I'd love to try the mini's!


Rachel Kooy said...

Great give away! I would love to try the vegan bunny and chick. How cute are they?
