Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Book Review and Giveaway:
Wild About Greens by Nava Atlas

I am wild about greens. Seriously. Greens are good. No—greens are glorious! They're nutritional powerhouses that come neatly packaged in brightly colored leaves and crunchy stalks. What's not to love?

If you're not already a fan of green leafy vegetables, you will be after tasting the delectable recipes in Nava Atlas's new book, Wild About Greens.

You will love the layout! Right up front, Nava introduces you to nature's bounty of leafy greens in alphabetical order. After learning a little about each one, you're treated to a listing of all of the recipes that feature them. So, if you want to make a salad with arugula, a soup with kale, and an entree with turnip greens, it couldn't be any easier to search through the recipes grouped under each vegetable.

Wild About Greens completely dispels the myth that the foundation of any salad need be lettuce. Not only are there much more delicious options, but you can really give your salads a nutritional boost by choosing a dark, leafy green instead. Here you'll find tasty salads made with every leafy green from watercress to kale to beet greens. I zoned in on this bright, citrusy, Mizuna (or Tatsoi) & Bok Choy Salad. As I wasn't making a trip to the Asian market that day, I substituted baby spinach for the Asian greens and jicama for the daikon radish, which were suggested variations. By storing the zesty Sesame-Ginger Dressing in a separate jar, I enjoyed this flavorful dish with dinner that evening and also for lunch over the next two days.

 Mizuna & Bok Choy Salad

Since pictures speak infinitely louder than words, I'll let the following photos tempt you further. Suffice it to say, every recipe was a winner. I plan to enjoy every one of the 125 recipes in this wonderful book before the end of the year. Feast your eyes on ...

Italian Style Potato and Escarole Soup
(all I can say about this one is "Mama mia!")

  Persian Spinach and Black-Eyed Peas
(I love a really good sabzi, and this is the best I've tasted in a long time!)

Hoisin-Glazed Collard Greens and Sweet Potatoes
(I'm adore sweet potatoes, onions, and collards. I was in heaven!)

Hoisin-Glazed Bok Choy with Tofu and Soba Noodles
(Once I got on the hoisin track, it was hard to get off. This was a spectacular summer dinner!)

Roasted Beet and Fennel Salad with Beet Greens and Oranges
(If you're a fool for beets like I am, do not detour. Dive directly into this recipe!)

Stir-Fried Sesame Kale and Red Cabbage 
(Colorful to the eyes and to the taste buds—if you can imagine that. 
Recipe below.)

Are you wild about greens? Then this book is for you. If you're not, you most certainly will be after perusing, preparing, and partaking in the recipes in Wild About Greens. And if you've been searching for creatively delicious ways to get more greens into your family's diet, don't wait another second to get your hands on a copy!

This spectacularly colorful and delicious Stir-Fried Sesame Kale and Red Cabbage recipe is just a taste of what you'll find within its pages. Reprinted with permission of the author and Sterling New York. ©Nava Atlas 2012. Enjoy!


8-12 oz kale, any variety
1/2 small or medium head red cabbage
1 1/2 Tbsp olive oil (I used less)
1 medium red onion, quartered and thinly sliced
2 tsp grated fresh or jarred ginger (I always use fresh)
1 Tbsp dark sesame oil 
1-2 Tbsp sesame seeds (preferably unhulled)
Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste


Strip the kale leaves from the stems. Stack a few leaves and cut them into narrow strips. If desired, slice the stems thinly to use in the stir-fry; otherwise, discard.

Cut the red cabbage into thin slices about 2 inches long.

Heat the olive oil in a stir-fry pan or large skillet. Add the onion and sauté over medium heat until golden and soft.

Add the ginger, kale and cabbage. Turn the heat up to high and stir-fry for 3-4 minutes, stirring frequently, until both are brightly colored and tender-crisp.

Remove from the heat. Stir in the dark sesame oil and sesame seeds. Season with salt and pepper and serve at once.

Variation: You can add a small amount of another vegetable or two. I chose red bell pepper, cut into long narrow strips.

Update: The giveaway has now ended. Congratulations to Dawn (@VeganFazool)! The random number goddess shined down upon her this morning, and she won a copy of Wild About Greens! Thanks so much to everyone for participating! Please stay tuned for more great giveaways and delicious recipes to come. Dawn, please send me an email with your postal address so we can get your book right out to you!

Now for the giveaway: if you would you like to win a copy of Wild About Greens, here's all you need to do: Simply leave a comment below telling me what your favorite dark leafy green vegetable is and how you most enjoy preparing or eating it. Or tell me which dark leafy green you'd love to find new ways of preparing and enjoying!

To earn additional entries, you can do one or all of the following, and please leave a comment for each one you complete:

1. Like on Facebook.
2. Follow @navaatlas2 on Twitter.
3. Follow this blog by clicking the "follow" link in the upper left-hand corner of this page, subscribing via email, or through Networked Blogs.
4. Follow @Vegiegail on Twitter.
5. Tweet the following message: Win a copy of @navaatlas2's fab new book Wild About Greens & get your green on deliciously! #vegan #recipe #giveaway


Unknown said...

I tweeted about the giveaway! (my Twitter handle is @greenvegnliving)

Unknown said...

I already follow you on Twitter.

PurpleLarkspur said...

I LOVE kale!! I like to make soups with it.

larkspurpurple (at)

PurpleLarkspur said...

I Follow @Vegiegail on Twitter. I am @purplelarkspur

larkspurpurple (at)

Jennifer @noteasy2begreen said...

My favorite leafy green is actually one that most people haven't heard of -- Chinese spinach (Ipomoea aquatica). It has a very mild flavor and tender leaf and is wonderful sauteed with a little garlic and salt. Your local Chinese supermarket might have it!

PurpleLarkspur said...

larkspurpurple (at)

Jennifer @noteasy2begreen said...

Following Nava on Twitter @noteasy2begreen.

Kristina said...

Wonderful kale, and in a raw salad with avocado and lime. Yum. would love to have more ideas for collards and escarole. Thanks.

EverydayTastiness said...

kale and spinach in a smoothie

EverydayTastiness said...

followed @navaatlas2 on twitter.


EverydayTastiness said...

followed @Vegiegail on twitter


Carrie (Carrie on Vegan) said...

Ohhh, this book looks right up my alley! My fave dark leafy green right now are collard greens because they have so much calcium AND they taste so good. Thanks for an awesome giveaway, Gail! :)

The Tasty Vegan said...

Kale Chips Kale Chips Kale Chips Kale Chips! I'm eating them as I type...

The Tasty Vegan said...

I already follow you on twitter!

The Tasty Vegan said...

I liked you on Facebook and I'm keen to get my hands on this book to try these delicious-looking recipes! Mmm.

Unknown said...

Kale-slaw - cabbage, butter leaf lettuce, green kale and red leaf kale, sweet onion, raspberry vinegrette... delicious!

Unknown said...

liked vegkitchen on fb

Stephanie said...

I love collard greens! I make them on the stove top with water or veggie broth and garlic powder, so yummy!

sgaremore (at)

Stephanie said...

I also followed you on twitter (as stepheebean)

sgaremore (at)

Marie said...

I love kale and collards! I like to make collard roll-ups and coconut kale. I would LOVE to win this book! Everything looks delicious!

Marie said...

I follow Hungry Vegan!

Marie said...

I liked on Facebook!

Kelly said...

Ohmygosh. My mouth is watering like crazy.

I liked vegkitchen on facebook!

Kelly said...

I follow Nava Atlas on Twitter! (@kellycrochets)

Marika said...

I like on Facebook <3

Kelly said...

I'm subscribed via email!

Marika said...

I follow @navaatlas2 on Twitter :)

Kelly said...

I'm already following you, Gail, on Twitter. (@kellycrochets)

Marika said...

I follow @Vegiegail on Twitter :)

Marika said...

I'm subscribed via email <3

Stephanie said...

I also liked on facebook after seeing some awesome posts!

sgaremore (at)

Kelly said...

I tweeted about the giveaway!

theveganwifey said...

Lately we've been really into beet greens sauteed with chopped garlic and olive oil and season with salt and pepper.

ssremington (at) gmail (dot) com

The Vegan said...

I love Kale sauteed in olive oil with garlic.
I liked VegKitchen
I follow you on twitter
I just subscribed via e-mail to this blog[which I thought I already was but always wondered why I never got notified but now I will! :-)]

BTW these dishes you made(as usual) look yummy!!!

Amy said...

I subscribe to the blog via RSS feed (Networked Blogs?).

Amy said...

I liked VegKitchen on Facebook.

Amy said...

I follow @navaatlas2 on Twitter. (Via RSS)

Amy said...

I follow @Vegiegail on Twitter. (Via RSS)

Esther said...

Kale - KALE CHIPS!!! :)

Marilyn B said...

omg yummy! I LOVE Kale, right now I am loving it in my blended green smoothies, but I would love to know some other ways to prepare it!

Audrey said...

I love kale--esp. in kale chips.

Audrey said...

I follow Nava on Twitter.

Audrey said...

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Audrey said...

I like VegKitchen on FB

Ashley said...

I love Kale and like to make kale chips in the oven!

Ashley said...

I follow you on twitter! I'm @cygirl88

Ashley said...

I follow Nava Atlas on twitter! I'm @cygirl88

Cassandra said...

I love bok choy in gyoza and spinach in smoothies.

scarletj said...

I'd have to say kale is my current fave... although bok choy is right up there too:-) Pics look so yummy!

VeganMarr said...

I already follow VegieGail on Twitter

VeganMarr said...

I already "like" VegKitchen" on FB.

VeganMarr said...

I already follow the Hungry Vegan blog.

VeganMarr said...

I jumped on the kale bandwagon the last couple years, like so many other people...I like it verrrry finely chopped, w/tahini dressing.

But my current latest love is another green I never used to eat...Arugala! I can snack on it plain! But I like it best finely chopped, mixed in w/chopped tomatoes & cucumbers, dressed with basil. sea salt, pepper & dulse!

Amy Groark said...

I love collard greens, especially the recipe for sauteed smokey collards in Veganomicon!

Amy Groark said...

Liked on Facebook.

Amy Groark said...

Followed @navaatlas2 on Twitter.

Amy Groark said...

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Amy Groark said...

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Amy Groark said...

Tweeted about the giveaway:

kastex said...

I love fresh Kale salad with avocado!
I already like Nava on FB. I am subbed to your blog and I also liked YOU on FB!!

Tara G. Warrior said...

My favorite green is kale, massaged kale salads rock my world!!

Michaelene N DeYoung said...

I'm all for kale salad. I eat kale every day of the week. This book would certainly show me some alternatives!

Michaelene N DeYoung said...

Liked on Facebook.

Michaelene N DeYoung said...

Following @navaatlas2 on twitter.

Michaelene N DeYoung said...

Following @Vegiegail on twitter!

Michaelene N DeYoung said...

Just tweeted, "Win a copy of @navaatlas2's fab new book Wild About Greens & get your green on deliciously! #vegan #recipe #giveaway". My handle on twitter is @Mickey_NDY

Adam said...

Following @Vegiegail on Twitter!

Adam said...

and Tweeted the message! :)

JoAnn said...

I love kale and collards anyway - in soups, sauted with onions, raw in salads.

JoAnn said...

I already have vegkitchen as a like on facebook.

fjordrunner said...

kale in salad, rubbed with avocado!

Jen Havard said...

Would love to learn more about cooking with tomatillos!

Chef Amber Shea said...

I love kale, particularly when made into kale chips!

Chef Amber Shea said...

I like vegkitchen on FB

Chef Amber Shea said...

I follow Nava on Twitter

Chef Amber Shea said...

I follow you on Twitter

Eva G said...

Kale goes in every smoothie and baby spinach is perfect raw in salads and added to soups at the very end. I've also eaten baby spinach straight up by the handful!

Unknown said...

I know everyone has said Kale as their fav, and I do love it tons, but I'm in LOVE with Indian Spinach - my grandma uses it to make the best 'Saag' that I have ever tasted - knocks my socks off every time! I like you on FB (Amanda Huxley); have subscribed via email ( and follow on twitter/tweeted about the give away (@AWeathergirl13). Would LOVE to win this book! Thanks!!

Aimee Douglass said...

I love kale, and throw it in so many things, but one of my favorite dishes is a rainbow slaw with red cabbage, red pepper, onion, and carrots with a cumin lime tahini vinaigrette. Delicious and it keeps for days.

Aimee Douglass said...

I love kale, and throw it in so many things, but one of my favorite dishes is a rainbow slaw with red cabbage, red pepper, onion, and carrots with a cumin lime tahini vinaigrette. Delicious and it keeps for days.

Aimee Douglass said...

I have already liked VegKitchen on FB

Aimee Douglass said...

I subscribed via email.

Nancy Elwell said...

I love kale made with olive oil and garlic. I would like more kale receipes.

Gretchen (Veggie Grettie) said...

This looks so good! Going to promote it on both Veggie Grettie and Chic Vegan's Facebook pages

Chrissy said...

My favorite green is spinach, it's delicious just about any way you eat it, but sauteed with lots of garlic and then served over angel hair is probably the best and simplest.

I would love to learn how to cook kale well.

michellechristiana said...

I love collard greens - I like to make wraps with them, in place of tortillas!

michellechristiana said...

i love collard greens! I like to use them as sandwich wraps :)

Chrissy said...

I like Veg Kitchen on Facebook.

michellechristiana said...

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Chrissy said...

I am following you on Twitter.

Chrissy said...

I am following Nava Atlas on Twitter

Chrissy said...

I tweeted about the giveaway.

Deanna said...

I am starting to get into the dark greens more and more due to their higher nutrition content. I really like kale but I would love to learn how to use it and other dark greens more.
Did all 5 of the requirements for the extra entries.

Unknown said...

I am following you on Twitter.

Ana said...

Bok Choy is my favorite leafy green, I love it simply sauteed in olive oil with a little bit of onions and lots of garlic, season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper and there is no way to go wrong!
Me and my son also like it with sesame oil and sesame seeds, an asian inspired side dish!

Ana said...

I like VegKitchen on Facebook!
Ana Cardia

Ana said...

I follow Nava Atlas on twitter!

Ana said...

I also follow Vegiegail on twitter!

Unknown said...

Spinach is my favorite! I like it raw in a salad or water-sauteed with garlic, dijon mustard, and red pepper flakes. :)

MarkTwain said...

All Greens!!! Collards and Kale are a close tie.

MarkTwain said...

1. Like on Facebook.

MarkTwain said...

2. Follow @navaatlas2 on Twitter.

MarkTwain said...

4. Follow @Vegiegail on Twitter.

MarkTwain said...

Tweeted! @martielou

Maddy said...

My favorite leafy green is kale!(not too original but it's just so good!)

Ashley said...

I love kale and spinach in smoothies! :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Ashley said...

I like you on FB!

Ashley said...

I Follow @navaatlas2 on Twitter

Ashley said...

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Anonymous said...

I absolutely love KALE. I eat it raw in salads, put it in smoothies, and soups. I love it. I have been wanting this book so badly. The library won't let me put a hold on it for some reason so I haven't been able to check it out:(

Anonymous said...

I liked vegkitchen on facebook!

Tofu Mom (AKA Tofu-n-Sprouts) said...

YES YES YES!!! I want to win this so bad!!

Tofu Mom (AKA Tofu-n-Sprouts) said...

I already like Veg Kitchen on FaceBook! :D

Tofu Mom (AKA Tofu-n-Sprouts) said...

I already follow you, and nava on Twiitter...

Jill B. said...

I already like on Facebook!

Jill B. said...

I already follow you on Twitter

Jill B. said...

I follow @Vegiegail on Twitter

Jill B. said...

I follow @navaatlas2 on Twitter

Jill B. said...

I tweeted about the giveaway! (@jillybean0425)

Vegan Fazool said...

I love arugula. On pizza!

Vegan Fazool said...

I followed Nava on Twitter. (I am @VeganFazool on Twitter).

Vegan Fazool said...

Liked VegKitchen on FB!

Vegan Fazool said...

Followed you @Vegiegail on Twitter! (my Twitter is @VeganFazool).


Lauren said...

liked on Facebook!

Lauren said...

Followed @navaatlas2 on Twitter.

Lauren said...

Already follow the blog's RSS feed.

Lauren said...

Followed @Vegiegail on twitter.

Lauren said...

& tweeted the message!

Jen said...

Love spinach salad with mandarin oranges, sliced almonds tossed with a vinaigrette.

Jen said...

Just liked vegkitchen on Facebook

Jen said...

Just followed @navaatlas2 on Twitter (I'm @justaboutvegan)

Jen said...

Tweeted your message, from @justaboutvegan. Oh, I'm already happily following @vegiegail

Jen said...

Subscribed to your blog - thank you for the contest and the new recipe - I could use some new ways to cook greens!

Unknown said...

I'm totally obsessed with all the beet greens I've been getting in my CSA. I've been sauteeing them down with garlic, but would love some new ideas on what to do with them!

Unknown said...

I also "liked" veg kitchen on facebook.

Unknown said...

Is this comp open to those of us outside the US? I hope so...! My favourite is kale, which I love in massaged kale salads, especially with apple, avocado and red onion...mmmm.

Unknown said...

Is this comp open to those of us outside the US? I hope so! My favourite is kale, which I love in massaged kale salads, especially with apple, avocado and red onion. Yumm!

Unknown said...

I also liked veg kitchen on Facebook :)

Unknown said...

Aaand I already follow your lovely blog!

Denise said...

Followed @navaatlas2 on twitter.

Denise said...

I liked vegkitchen on facebook.

Denise said...

I am following @Vegiegail on twitter.

Denise said...

I tweeted about the giveaway on Twitter.

lyssa said...

Kale - in a salad with roasted sweet potato, feta, craisins, walnuts, and balsamic!

lyssa said...

Kale - with roasted sweet potato, feta, craisins, walnuts and balsamic.

lyssa said...

Followed @ vegiegal

Tamar said...

I am lately in love with rainbow chard. It's so beautiful--I look for different colors and saute it, stem and all, in olive oil with onion and garlic while it's fresh, then add it to pizza, soup, salads, brown rice and vegs, whatever. Thanks for all the great ideas and for doing the giveaway!

Esther said...

Tweeted. :)

Michelle said...

I would love to have this cookbook!