Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Abundance Diet
Review and Giveaway

With so many terrific new titles being released almost daily, it feels like I must have died and gone to vegan cookbook heaven! My latest treasure is Somer McGowan's The Abundance Diet. It is filled to the brim with flavorful recipes that will satisfy and energize you while supporting your most vibrant health. Somer, who overcame her own health challenge by adopting a whole-food, plant-based diet, guides and supports readers through a 28-day program that will empower you to take back your own health and do it ever so deliciously!

With recipes like this Chipotle Knock-off Chopped Salad, readers quickly discover that this style of eating is not about deprivation, but rather, a lively celebration of flavor and vibrancy!

Made with a fabulously simple and tasty recipe for Fresh Vegan Moxarella, this Grilled Eggplant and Zucchini Lasagna won't leave you feeling over-stuffed, because there aren't any pasta noodles in this yummy and satisfying dish.

The ingredients in this colorful Roasted Tofu and Vegetable Stir-fry with Garlic-Ginger Sauce are alive with freshness and will leave you wishing you'd made a double batch so you could enjoy it all week long!

While my photo of Somer's Homestyle Mexican Casserole doesn't do it justice, this dish is such a joyful fiesta of flavors, you'll want to make it again and again. (I have!)

Ice-cream lovers take note: Cherry Garcia Soft-Serve is a luscious, guilt-free frozen treat that will satisfy your craving for something creamy, cold, rich, and delicious, but without the refined sugar, fat, thickeners, or gums found in most non-dairy frozen desserts at your local market. I'm so wild and crazy about this super quick and easy recipe, I'm sharing it below for you to enjoy!

The following recipe for Cherry Garcia Soft-Serve from The Abundance Diet, copyright ©2015 by Somer McCowan is reprinted here with the very kind permission of Vegan Heritage Press LLC. 

4 medium-sized bananas, cut into 1-inch pieces and frozen (I suggest making sure your bananas have a few lovely brown spots)
1 cup frozen cherries
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 Tablespoon to 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk, as needed
2 Tablespoons mini vegan chocolate chips (as you can see from the above photo, mine weren't at all "mini.")

In a food processor, process the frozen banana pieces, cherries, and vanilla until creamy, adding almond milk, on tablespoon at a time as necessary, for processing. Pulse in the chocolate chips. Serve immediately. Makes 4 servings.

With a bounty of delicious recipes, terrific tips for reinventing your kitchen and saving money, and  a plan to simplify your menu and help you look and feel your very best,  I highly recommend adding The Abundance Diet to your recipe book collection.

And if you'd like to win a copy, please tell me in a comment below, what most motivates (or motivated) you to want to improve your diet—A weight loss goal, health concern, or care or concern for animals, the planet, or others? After leaving your comment, simply follow the Rafflecopter prompt to complete your entry.* You can earn additional entries by following any or all of the other prompts in the Rafflecopter box. One lucky winner will be selected at random. Good luck!

*Sorry international readers. This giveaway is open only to residents of the United States.


The Vegan said...

As for my interest in this book, I a vegan of 27 years and I am not so concerned with improving my diet as I am excited to try out these delicious looking recipes. Or possibly giving this book to a friend who just doesn't understand how delicious a vegan diet can be.

vossta said...

My overall health is a concern now that I'm in my 40's I want to take better care of myself.

Patty T said...

It started with my health and over the last two years of being vegan, it's now health, weight, animals and the planet that motivate me in this life choice.

Julee said...

I started this way of eating to stay off blood pressure meds and now I do it because I just like the way it makes me feel. These recipes look amazing, can't wait to try them.

marshowl said...

High blood pressure caused me to start looking to a more healthy way of eating.

Unknown said...

I am driven to eat well for the health of myself, the planet, and the animals. It just seems right to me!

scarriemom said...

My daughter has Type 1 Diabetes so it's important for her to eat healthy. I've found that lately we've been eating more processed foods. I know it's better for everyone concerned to eat more vegan meals.

Healthy Organic & Cheap said...

All of the above motivates me. I want to look better, but I also want to feel good every day.

Jill B said...

My motivation started for weight loss and health reasons but once I started reading all the info available, it has become more of a concern(and love) for animals! This book would be a great help to me.

Unknown said...

I want to keep my heart healthy and maintain a healthy weight.

Lizzie Bordello said...

For me, it started with being about the animals, and then when I learned of the environmental impacts, that just increased my motivation.

Birdhouse Books said...

I am motivated by heart health and feeling energetic!

Ashley said...

I just feel better in the mornings after a day of healthful eating!

Rebecca said...

I'd say I'm most motivated by animal welfare

Unknown said...

It's all about the animals for me, but the health benefits are a huge bonus.

Rosy Newlun said...

I love animals. But (big but coming) my husband is a hard core carnivore and is our cook since I am disabled. He is open to using cook books so let's help him to help me!!!

Kate Montana said...

Animals, my health and the planet all played an equal role in my becoming vegan. I'm now also trying to lead by example to get my mom eating healthy - she's halfway there!

Jenni (aka Vegyogini) said...

Thank you for the giveaway! I'm first and foremost vegan for ethical reasons. :)

Karen Delaney said...

I began for the animals, but as I've aged, the added advantage to my health (family history of heart issues) keeps me motivated.

Vicky & Ruth said...

This looks like a delicious cookbook with great and very healthy recipes.

Unknown said...

Your blog is so wonderful! Thanks for sharing your recipes and pictures with us!

Siavash from www.ethicaltree.com
